
  • Check-in
  • Baggage
  • Do not miss your flight


If you hold a valid ticket and confirmed booking, you can check-in straight away - opening time of the check-in desk. Between the earliest check-in time and deadline for check-in, you can collect your boarding pass from these desks.

Check-in for connections

If you are taking a connecting flights, please inform us whether you would like to check-in your baggage as far as your final destination or if you would like to collect these at the destination airport for your next flight.

Family check-in

If you are travelling with a young child (under 2 years old) :

  • a baggage allowance of 10kg will be allocated to your child's ticket.
  • you can check-in your pushchair at the same time as your baggage but you can keep this with you until boarding.

Group check-in

When travelling as a group, you can book together. This will allow you to accumulate your baggage allowance so as not to exceed the authorised allowances.

Special precautions

For a seamless trip, please make sure that your hand baggage does not include :

  • any sharp or pointy items
  • liquid or gel.

Your hold baggage:

  • are yours, that you have not accepted any items from third parties, are locked,
  • have an individual tag which you can remove at the check-in desk,
  • do not contain any valuables.

Checked-in baggage carousel

After checking-in your hold baggage, the customs will perform a scan on all items prior to being placed on board. Please be aware that for verification and inspection purposes, you may be requested to speak with customs if any prohibited item is located in your baggage.

You can however avoid this by ensuring that your baggage does not contain any prohibited items.

Check-in opening and deadline

The check-in opening time is the time at which passengers can begin to check-in baggage.

The check-in deadline is the time at which check-in desks close. This time is defined in relation to the time of your flight and will differ according to the flight you are taking.

Long haul flights 3hours 1hour
Regional flights 2hrs30mins 1 hour
Domestic flights 2hours 30 mins

* Before take off : Please be sure to have checked in before the desks close, otherwise you are likely to be refused boarding, and may have to give up your ticket.

Reallocation of booked seats

If you have booked a seat in advance, it is preferable to check-in before the time at which seats are reallocated. Beyond this time, your seat may be reallocated to another passenger.

Reallocation of seats
(before take off)
Business Class Economy Class
Long haul flights 1 hour 1 hr 30mins
Regional flights 50 mins 1hr 15mins
Domestic flights 30 mins 1 hour